Monday, July 6, 2015

Sustainable forest management programme begins in Kavre

Banepa, July 6: Sustainable forest management programme has been started in three different VDCs in Kavre district.

The District Forest Office, Kavre, said that the forest management programme was started in Chaubas, Methinkot and Dhungkharka VDCs for studies and researches as well as for the better livelihood of the locals.

The District Forest Office and Forestry Action launched the programme by taking a nod from the users’ groups in coordination with the Kavre chapter of Federation of Community Forestry Users, Nepal. Four community forests of the three VDCs have been selected for the programme implementation.

The programme of sustainable forest management has been implemented in Dharapani Community Forest Users’ Group of Chaubas, Kalapani Community Forest Users’ Group of Dhungkharka and Saparupa Community Forests Users’ Group of Methinkot.

Sushil Kunwar, a member of Dharapani Community Forest Users’ Group, expressed happiness to the programme implementation saying that it was beneficial for users’ better livelihood.

Saying that she got a three-month-long training on forest management, Kunwar hoped to generate income from the forest management.

Ganesh Ray, Chief of the District Forest Office, Kavre, said that reproduction of plants along with forest management would be carried out and even the saplings would be planted if the plants were not grown.

The sallo trees (taxsus baccatta) planted by the Australian Forest Project in 2035 BS in the naked hills would be replaced and emphasis would be given for the conservation of the new species of plants.

The Forestry Action officials said that studies would be conducted on impacts of fresh move on bio-diversity and soil. RSS

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