Monday, July 6, 2015

Police data reveals decline in rate of crimes in valley

Kathmandu, July 5: The incidents of crime in the Kathmandu Valley have declined in comparison to the last fiscal year, police said.

A data made public at the Metropolitan Police Office on Sunday have revealed that in fiscal year 2070/71 a total of 6,819 crimes were committed in which 17 per cent reduction was witnessed in current fiscal year 2071/72 with 5, 644 crime incidents.

In the current fiscal year, 27 human trafficking cases were recorded, 12 in abduction, 35 murder cases , 97 cases relating to attempted murder, 158 fraud related cases, 114 in robbery and theft, 172 cases involving contraband drugs, 19 in possession of arms and ammunition and 43 incidents of attempted rape.

Likewise during the same period 124 rape cases were recorded, 73 cases of faking of government seals and 327 cases of theft. These three crimes have increased comparatively in the valley in comparison to the last fiscal year, Metropolitan Police Office Chief Commissioner AIGP Bigyan Raj Sharma said.

Of the declining rate of crime in the valley, Kathmandu alone witnessed 81 per cent reduction in crime whereas the figure is 12 per cent for Lalitpur and seven per cent for Bhaktapur.

Increase in suicide rate after earthquake

Meanwhile, suicide rate has soared drastically in the valley in the post-earthquake period, police data shows.

Up until mid-March 26 suicide cases were recorded while the number jumped to 36 in between mid April and mid May. From mid May to mid June, at least 31 persons committed suicide. Of the 67 cases of suicide in the last three months, 53 were men and 14 women in which 48 killed self by hanging, 17 by consuming poison while two jumped off cliff.

According to police, seven persons committed suicide after suffering mental disorder following the earthquake. Majority of the persons committing suicide are found to be generally literate. RSS

Monday, July 6, 2015 by Unknown · 0

SC report says reappointment of judge not good, scrapping provision on constitutional court

Kathmandu, July 5: A team of Justices at the Supreme Court (SC) has come up with the suggestion that the new constitution should not keep the provision of reappointing judges.

The three-member team coordinated by Justice Baidyanath Upadhyay has insisted on removing the provision of constitutional court (CC). Instead of the constitutional court, a separate constitutional division could be set up under the SC to look after the cases relating to the disputes on implementing the federal system.

Moreover, the SC has argued that once there is the constitutional court (CC), different interpretation of constitution and laws from the SC and CC would create confusion and anomaly.

The draft constitution has provided the CC in Article 141.

The report recommends appointing 30 justices, including the Chief Justice, in the Supreme Court for speedy justice adjudication. The Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2007 has the provision for having 15 justices in the Supreme Court, besides the Chief Justice.

The report also suggests amending the Article 132 95) of the preliminary draft constitution which provides for sending on deputation the Chief Judge of the High Court to the Supreme Court for some time in case the pressure of cases in the latter is high.

Likewise, the report states that it would be appropriate to keep a bench of at least three justices in the Apex Court. It also suggests revising the age bar of retirement of the judges at all levels and making it 70 years.

The report proposes that anyone to be appointed the Chief Judge or Judge of the High Court should have at least 15 years of practice. However, the draft of the constitution states the practicing period at 10 years.

It proposes keeping the Federal Minister for Law and Justice, three senior-most justices of the Supreme Court and one legal practitioner each to be appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Prime Minister and the Nepal Bar Association. RSS

by Unknown · 0

Two die in separate road accidents

Kawasoti, July 6: Two persons have died in two separate road accidents occurred in Nawalparashi district.

Motorcyclist, Jokhan Thanet, 46, from Kawasoti-14 was knocked down by a jeep at Danda in Nawalaparashi under the East-West highway at noon.

The jeep, marked 'on test' in it and was moving to Eastward from the West, was coming from opposite direction. It rammed the motorcycle (Na 23 Pa 2128 )Thanet was riding, according to the Area Police Office, Nawalpur.

Similarly, another youth has died on the spot when a Kathmandu-bound bus (Na 4 Kha 5155) from Nepalgunj knocked him down at Dumkibash Jungle today morning.

The identity of the deceased, supposedly in his 30s, was yet to be ascertained, the police said. RSS

by Unknown · 0

Lawmakers voice CA to carry out tasks as federation and demarcation

Kathmandu, July 6: Various lawmakers in today's meeting of the Constituent Assembly (CA) have voiced their concern for the CA to execute tasks as federation and demarcation of the provinces.

Commenting that the government's decision to promulgate a new constitution was very positive, Nepali Congress lawmaker and one of the members of the Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC) Gagan Kumar Thapa said that the decision was not being derailed at all from the constitution promulgation process.

Leader Thapa argued that the tasks as federalism and demarcation should be carried out by the current CA. He further said that these tasks should not be kept pending while furthering the constitution drafting process in the 'fast track'.

"These issues should be resolved as the initial draft is taken to the public for their feedbacks," Thapa opined, adding that the CDC should also take into account the recommendations furnished by the CA members so as to make the Draft more refined.

The differing points in the Draft were raised to make the constitution acceptable by all and enriching, it ought not to curtail the women's rights to inherit ancestral property, he said.

He suggested that the use of 'socialism' in the preamble of the preliminary draft should be omitted.

Similarly, CPN (UML) lawmaker Bhim Prasad Acharya spoke of the need for the government to make arrangement for holding the civic body election at the earliest. He suggested since the issues of citizenship, inclusiveness, proportional representation lacked clarity in the recently released Draft, the CDC should come forth with these issues with clarity.

On a different note, UCPN (Maoist) lawmaker JB Tuhure voiced his concern over issues as inclusiveness through the medium of a song.

The next meeting of the CA is scheduled on July 7 at 8:00 am. RSS

by Unknown · 0

Demand for reconstruction of monuments in Kathmandu Durbar Square

Kathmandu, July 6: The Kathmandu Durbar Area Conservation and Management Committee on Monday drew the attention of the Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Kripasur Sherpa demanding the reconstruction of the monuments of the Hanumandhoka Durbar area.

Committee Chairman Digambar Shrestha-led delegation submitted a memorandum to the Minister in which the demand for reconstruction was made. The Committee has called for instantly starting the reconstruction work of the monuments citing the Durbar Square heritages bore ancient Nepal's cultural and traditional identity.

Responding to the memo, Minister Sherpa said the reconstruction work would start on basis of priority once the report based on extensive study and assessment over the destroyed structures and the majority of monuments under risk arrived, said Rameshman Munikar, a member of the delegation. RSS

by Unknown · 0

Judiciary study report discussed in SC's full meeting

Kathmandu, July 6: An extensive discussion was held on the study report recommending judiciary related provisions in the new constitution in a full meeting of the Supreme Court Justices including the Chief Justice.

Three Justices of the Supreme Court had prepared and submitted the report on judiciary provisions in the primary draft of 'Nepal's Constitution-2072' tabled by the Constitution Drafting Committee before the full house of the Constituent Assembly.

A team headed by SC Justice Baidhyanath Upadhyaya with Om Prakash Mishra and Gopal Parajuli had prepared the report.

Under Secretary at SC Basudev Neupane said that the the report was widely discussed in today's meeting and it would be sent to CA after giving this a final shape soon.

The report has recommended removing the provision of setting up a separate Constitutional Court as a parallel institution of the SC rather making an arrangement of specialized constitutional bench in the Supreme Court in a specialized manner.

The report also demanded amendment to concerned provision extending retirement age limit of Justices of all levels to 70 years. RSS

by Unknown · 0

Two aftershocks felt

Kathmandu, July 6: An aftershock measuring 4.4 on the Richter scale with its epicenter near Golche of Sindhupalchok was felt at 9:14 pm today.

Similarly, a tremor of 4.3 Richter scale with the epicenter near Jugu in Dolakha district occurred at 10:48 am. The National Seismological Centre of the Department of Mines and Geology has stated that so far more than 340 aftershocks measuring four or more on the Richter scale have occurred after the ‘Gorkha Earthquake’ that hit the country on April 25. RSS

by Unknown · 0

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