Monday, July 6, 2015

Police data reveals decline in rate of crimes in valley

Kathmandu, July 5: The incidents of crime in the Kathmandu Valley have declined in comparison to the last fiscal year, police said.

A data made public at the Metropolitan Police Office on Sunday have revealed that in fiscal year 2070/71 a total of 6,819 crimes were committed in which 17 per cent reduction was witnessed in current fiscal year 2071/72 with 5, 644 crime incidents.

In the current fiscal year, 27 human trafficking cases were recorded, 12 in abduction, 35 murder cases , 97 cases relating to attempted murder, 158 fraud related cases, 114 in robbery and theft, 172 cases involving contraband drugs, 19 in possession of arms and ammunition and 43 incidents of attempted rape.

Likewise during the same period 124 rape cases were recorded, 73 cases of faking of government seals and 327 cases of theft. These three crimes have increased comparatively in the valley in comparison to the last fiscal year, Metropolitan Police Office Chief Commissioner AIGP Bigyan Raj Sharma said.

Of the declining rate of crime in the valley, Kathmandu alone witnessed 81 per cent reduction in crime whereas the figure is 12 per cent for Lalitpur and seven per cent for Bhaktapur.

Increase in suicide rate after earthquake

Meanwhile, suicide rate has soared drastically in the valley in the post-earthquake period, police data shows.

Up until mid-March 26 suicide cases were recorded while the number jumped to 36 in between mid April and mid May. From mid May to mid June, at least 31 persons committed suicide. Of the 67 cases of suicide in the last three months, 53 were men and 14 women in which 48 killed self by hanging, 17 by consuming poison while two jumped off cliff.

According to police, seven persons committed suicide after suffering mental disorder following the earthquake. Majority of the persons committing suicide are found to be generally literate. RSS

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