Monday, July 6, 2015

Police data reveals decline in rate of crimes in valley

Kathmandu, July 5: The incidents of crime in the Kathmandu Valley have declined in comparison to the last fiscal year, police said.

A data made public at the Metropolitan Police Office on Sunday have revealed that in fiscal year 2070/71 a total of 6,819 crimes were committed in which 17 per cent reduction was witnessed in current fiscal year 2071/72 with 5, 644 crime incidents.

In the current fiscal year, 27 human trafficking cases were recorded, 12 in abduction, 35 murder cases , 97 cases relating to attempted murder, 158 fraud related cases, 114 in robbery and theft, 172 cases involving contraband drugs, 19 in possession of arms and ammunition and 43 incidents of attempted rape.

Likewise during the same period 124 rape cases were recorded, 73 cases of faking of government seals and 327 cases of theft. These three crimes have increased comparatively in the valley in comparison to the last fiscal year, Metropolitan Police Office Chief Commissioner AIGP Bigyan Raj Sharma said.

Of the declining rate of crime in the valley, Kathmandu alone witnessed 81 per cent reduction in crime whereas the figure is 12 per cent for Lalitpur and seven per cent for Bhaktapur.

Increase in suicide rate after earthquake

Meanwhile, suicide rate has soared drastically in the valley in the post-earthquake period, police data shows.

Up until mid-March 26 suicide cases were recorded while the number jumped to 36 in between mid April and mid May. From mid May to mid June, at least 31 persons committed suicide. Of the 67 cases of suicide in the last three months, 53 were men and 14 women in which 48 killed self by hanging, 17 by consuming poison while two jumped off cliff.

According to police, seven persons committed suicide after suffering mental disorder following the earthquake. Majority of the persons committing suicide are found to be generally literate. RSS

Monday, July 6, 2015 by Unknown · 0

SC report says reappointment of judge not good, scrapping provision on constitutional court

Kathmandu, July 5: A team of Justices at the Supreme Court (SC) has come up with the suggestion that the new constitution should not keep the provision of reappointing judges.

The three-member team coordinated by Justice Baidyanath Upadhyay has insisted on removing the provision of constitutional court (CC). Instead of the constitutional court, a separate constitutional division could be set up under the SC to look after the cases relating to the disputes on implementing the federal system.

Moreover, the SC has argued that once there is the constitutional court (CC), different interpretation of constitution and laws from the SC and CC would create confusion and anomaly.

The draft constitution has provided the CC in Article 141.

The report recommends appointing 30 justices, including the Chief Justice, in the Supreme Court for speedy justice adjudication. The Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2007 has the provision for having 15 justices in the Supreme Court, besides the Chief Justice.

The report also suggests amending the Article 132 95) of the preliminary draft constitution which provides for sending on deputation the Chief Judge of the High Court to the Supreme Court for some time in case the pressure of cases in the latter is high.

Likewise, the report states that it would be appropriate to keep a bench of at least three justices in the Apex Court. It also suggests revising the age bar of retirement of the judges at all levels and making it 70 years.

The report proposes that anyone to be appointed the Chief Judge or Judge of the High Court should have at least 15 years of practice. However, the draft of the constitution states the practicing period at 10 years.

It proposes keeping the Federal Minister for Law and Justice, three senior-most justices of the Supreme Court and one legal practitioner each to be appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Prime Minister and the Nepal Bar Association. RSS

by Unknown · 0

Two die in separate road accidents

Kawasoti, July 6: Two persons have died in two separate road accidents occurred in Nawalparashi district.

Motorcyclist, Jokhan Thanet, 46, from Kawasoti-14 was knocked down by a jeep at Danda in Nawalaparashi under the East-West highway at noon.

The jeep, marked 'on test' in it and was moving to Eastward from the West, was coming from opposite direction. It rammed the motorcycle (Na 23 Pa 2128 )Thanet was riding, according to the Area Police Office, Nawalpur.

Similarly, another youth has died on the spot when a Kathmandu-bound bus (Na 4 Kha 5155) from Nepalgunj knocked him down at Dumkibash Jungle today morning.

The identity of the deceased, supposedly in his 30s, was yet to be ascertained, the police said. RSS

by Unknown · 0

Lawmakers voice CA to carry out tasks as federation and demarcation

Kathmandu, July 6: Various lawmakers in today's meeting of the Constituent Assembly (CA) have voiced their concern for the CA to execute tasks as federation and demarcation of the provinces.

Commenting that the government's decision to promulgate a new constitution was very positive, Nepali Congress lawmaker and one of the members of the Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC) Gagan Kumar Thapa said that the decision was not being derailed at all from the constitution promulgation process.

Leader Thapa argued that the tasks as federalism and demarcation should be carried out by the current CA. He further said that these tasks should not be kept pending while furthering the constitution drafting process in the 'fast track'.

"These issues should be resolved as the initial draft is taken to the public for their feedbacks," Thapa opined, adding that the CDC should also take into account the recommendations furnished by the CA members so as to make the Draft more refined.

The differing points in the Draft were raised to make the constitution acceptable by all and enriching, it ought not to curtail the women's rights to inherit ancestral property, he said.

He suggested that the use of 'socialism' in the preamble of the preliminary draft should be omitted.

Similarly, CPN (UML) lawmaker Bhim Prasad Acharya spoke of the need for the government to make arrangement for holding the civic body election at the earliest. He suggested since the issues of citizenship, inclusiveness, proportional representation lacked clarity in the recently released Draft, the CDC should come forth with these issues with clarity.

On a different note, UCPN (Maoist) lawmaker JB Tuhure voiced his concern over issues as inclusiveness through the medium of a song.

The next meeting of the CA is scheduled on July 7 at 8:00 am. RSS

by Unknown · 0

Demand for reconstruction of monuments in Kathmandu Durbar Square

Kathmandu, July 6: The Kathmandu Durbar Area Conservation and Management Committee on Monday drew the attention of the Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Kripasur Sherpa demanding the reconstruction of the monuments of the Hanumandhoka Durbar area.

Committee Chairman Digambar Shrestha-led delegation submitted a memorandum to the Minister in which the demand for reconstruction was made. The Committee has called for instantly starting the reconstruction work of the monuments citing the Durbar Square heritages bore ancient Nepal's cultural and traditional identity.

Responding to the memo, Minister Sherpa said the reconstruction work would start on basis of priority once the report based on extensive study and assessment over the destroyed structures and the majority of monuments under risk arrived, said Rameshman Munikar, a member of the delegation. RSS

by Unknown · 0

Judiciary study report discussed in SC's full meeting

Kathmandu, July 6: An extensive discussion was held on the study report recommending judiciary related provisions in the new constitution in a full meeting of the Supreme Court Justices including the Chief Justice.

Three Justices of the Supreme Court had prepared and submitted the report on judiciary provisions in the primary draft of 'Nepal's Constitution-2072' tabled by the Constitution Drafting Committee before the full house of the Constituent Assembly.

A team headed by SC Justice Baidhyanath Upadhyaya with Om Prakash Mishra and Gopal Parajuli had prepared the report.

Under Secretary at SC Basudev Neupane said that the the report was widely discussed in today's meeting and it would be sent to CA after giving this a final shape soon.

The report has recommended removing the provision of setting up a separate Constitutional Court as a parallel institution of the SC rather making an arrangement of specialized constitutional bench in the Supreme Court in a specialized manner.

The report also demanded amendment to concerned provision extending retirement age limit of Justices of all levels to 70 years. RSS

by Unknown · 0

Two aftershocks felt

Kathmandu, July 6: An aftershock measuring 4.4 on the Richter scale with its epicenter near Golche of Sindhupalchok was felt at 9:14 pm today.

Similarly, a tremor of 4.3 Richter scale with the epicenter near Jugu in Dolakha district occurred at 10:48 am. The National Seismological Centre of the Department of Mines and Geology has stated that so far more than 340 aftershocks measuring four or more on the Richter scale have occurred after the ‘Gorkha Earthquake’ that hit the country on April 25. RSS

by Unknown · 0

US ambassador Bodde calls on PM Koirala

Kathmandu, July 6: US ambassador to Nepal, Peter W Bodde called on Prime Minister Sushil Koirala at his residence at Baluwatar here this evening.

In the meeting, the US ambassador, who returned after undergoing treatment recently in his country, informed about the current legal and diplomatic affairs in the US and also inquired about the constitution writing and the post-earthquake reconstruction in Nepal.

While welcoming the latest positive developments regarding the constitution writing in Nepal, Ambassador Bodde said the US Government was acquainted of the situation of Nepal after the earthquake. He said the assistance of the US private sector and the government level would increase for the reconstruction of Nepal.

On the occasion, Prime Minister Koirala, while expressing the confidence that Nepal would soon get a democratic constitution with federalism, republicanism and inclusiveness, said the constitution writing was moving ahead through the fast track process, according to Prakash Adhikari, the PM’s press coordinator.

The Prime Minister is also learnt to have stated that peace, stability and development would take pace ahead in Nepal after the promulgation of the new constitution. RSS

by Unknown · 0

Ban on plastic bag use again from coming fiscal year

Kathmandu, July 6: The Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment is to impose restriction once again on the use of polythene bags in the Kathmandu Valley from coming fiscal year onwards.

The ban was imposed on the use of plastic bag in Kathmandu effective from 14 April but the Ministry could not monitor the practice because of 25 April 25 earthquake and subsequent recurring aftershocks.

Ministry Spokesperson noted that the polythene bag usw would be strictly restricted after monitoring the plastic bags producers and users from new fiscal year.

So far, the Ministry has seized 14 quintals of plastic after raiding different companies producing polythene in major cities of the Valley.

It is stated that the plastic use not only inflicted damages to human health but also caused environmental degradation and eroded beauty of the city.

The plastic use would be discouraged with strict monitoring measures in place in commercial hub where its supply is high from new fiscal year, said environment expert Dr Jayaram Adhikari. RSS

by Unknown · 0

Constitution writing process cannot be obstructed: Chair Oli

amak, July 6: Chairman of the CPN (UML), KP Sharma Oli, has said that tearing of the preliminary draft of the new constitution by some individuals would not hamper the constitution drafting process.

At a news conference organised by Press Chautari, Jhapa, at Oli’s residence at Damak-10, Chairman Oli said there was no meaning of burning the draft who have vented their dissatisfaction on the proposed draft of the new constitution. He also expressed belief that the new constitution would be promulgated at any cost, as there would be no more obstacle to the constitution writing process.

Stating that amendments could still be made on the proposed draft, the CPN (UML) Chairman claimed that the new statute would be promulgated by the end of July. Also a lawmaker from Jhapa Constituency No 7, Mr Oli said now no one can obstruct the promulgation of new constitution. Leader Oli is here to monitor undergoing development activities in his constituency.

He said the country would head towards the path of prosperity and institutional development of the republicanism once the country gets the new statute.

CPM (UML) politburo member Sherdhan Rai, central committee member and Mechi Zonal In charge Hikmat Karki, among others were also present in the news conference.

Chairman Oli on Sunday visited the construction site of the tallest idol of Lord Buddha of the world at Dumse of Damak-5. He also interacted with locals of the area. RSS

by Unknown · 0

Finance Minister Mahat for banning industrial strikes, shutdowns for at least 10 yrs

Kathmandu, July 6: Finance Minister Dr Ram Sharan Mahat has underlined the need of creating a base for taking the country towards economic progress through the new constitution.
Taking part in deliberations on the proposal tabled at the Constituent Assembly (CA), seeking permission to publish the draft constitution in Nepal gazette for people's feedback in today's CA meeting, he stressed the new constitution should have a clear provision banning the announcement of shutdowns and strikes for at least ten years so to protect business sector from losses.
Any activity causing obstructions in the country's economic development be totally prohibited, he stressed. Matters relating to improvement of people's livelihood, strengthening of state coffers, implementation of progressive tax system, maximum utilisation of domestic skills, labour and resources with bringing in foreign capital, technology and skills be incorporated in the new constitution so as to boost up national economy, he said.
The presentation of the first draft of the constitution to the Constituent Assembly was a positive move, but still amendments to some points are needed, the Finance Minister said, adding that draft is silent regarding the exercise of 30 fundamental rights included in it. He was of the view that nation cannot be prosperous in absence of foreign investment and added that the subject should be included in the state's directive principles.
CPN (UML)'s Amrit Kumar Bohara argued that the constitution draft is inclusive as it has talked about the basic affairs of all the indigenous nationalities, ethnic community and women. "But still some issues are left to be included in the draft and they should be covered through due process, he said," underlining the need of holding the local body poll within the next six months and making the Parliamentary Hearing system more effective.RSS

by Unknown · 0

Deliberation continues on statute draft

Kathmandu, July 6: The Constituent Assembly (CA) meeting is going on regarding the deliberations on the proposal tabled before it, seeking permission to publish the first integrated ‘Draft of Nepal’s Constitution 2072 BS’ in Nepal's gazette for people's feedbacks.

Taking part in the deliberation today, UML lawmaker Madhav Kumar Nepal said that the constitution should be promulgated from the CA at any cost and make the CA a success.

He said that minimum consensus should be forged though complete consensus was next to impossible, adding that promulgating the constitution by incorporating all sides would be the best idea.

Nepal said that provision of reappointment of the office-bearers in the constitutional bodies should be kept in the new constitution. The parliamentary special hearing committee should be made further effective and the rights of the physically-challenged should be ensured in the constitution.

Likewise, Agni Prasad Sapkota of UCPN (Maoist) said that the draft of the new constitution has expressed country’s sovereignty and national pride has been established.

He also said that presidential system was appropriate for the country.

Similarly, Nepali Congress lawmaker Chandra Kant Bhandari said that citizenship certificate should not be given haphazardly to omit the existence of the nation and reservation should be ensured to the Dalit.

He said that the issue of federalism should be sorted out from the CA itself.

Other lawmakers expressing their opinions in the CA meeting were Dilnath Giri of Rastriya Prajatantra Party (Nepal), Dipak Bohara of Rastriya Prajatantra Party and Chitra Bahadur KC of Rastriya Janamorcha Nepal.

Likewise, Dhyangovinda Ranjit, Mahalaxmi Upadhyay (Dina), Bhishmaraj Angdembe, Dilli Prasad Kafle, Kiran Yadav, Amritlal Rajbansi, Ramkrishna Yadav and Krishna Kumar Rai also took part in the deliberation. RSS

by Unknown · 0

Agitating parties’ lawmakers boycott CA meet

Kathmandu, July 6: Lawmakers of four agitating political parties have boycotted the Constituent Assembly (CA) meeting today by expressing discontent to the ‘Draft of Nepal’s Constitution 2072 BS’ tabled in the CA.

Speaking at the beginning of the CA meeting, lawmaker of the Federal Socialist Forum, Upendra Yadav, criticised the draft of the new constitution saying that it has failed to incorporate the spirit of the people’s movements waged in the past for the democratic constitution with federalism.

He said that the draft of the constitution has done injustice to the Madhesi in the issue of citizenship certificate, discrimination was carried out on the basis of sex, and the issues of positive discrimination were not put to uplift the Dalit, marginalised groups, ethnic communities and women though it was supposed to do.

The issue of inclusion of the Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2063 BS was omitted in this draft and proportional participation, federalism, secularism, identity and other agendas agreed before were also not mentioned in the draft of the new constitution, Yadav said.

Saying that absence of provincial autonomy and federalism without naming and delineation of the state was unfortunate for the country, Yadav warned that moving ahead by going against the directive of the Supreme Court (SC) was tantamount to push the country towards crisis.

Yadav argued that this draft should not be forwarded in status quo as the current draft prepared by declining the past agreements could challenge national unity and push the country towards conflict.

He announced the CA meeting boycott on behalf of four parties claiming that the draft of the new constitution was silence for the upliftment of marginalised community of Tarai. RSS

by Unknown · 0

SLC graduates from Dalit community prized

Ilam, July 6: Three School Leaving Certificate (SLC) graduates from Dalit community were prized for their outstanding performance in Ilam district.

Three SLC graduates from community and private schools were honoured Sunday amid a programme organised by the Dalit District Coordination Committee, Ilam.

Dixanti Tiruwa of Green Valley Academy was given away Rs 10,000 for securing the highest number among the SLC examinees in the district. Tiruwa obtained 87.75 per cent in the recently published SLC result.

Likewise, Yunis Nepali of Singhadevi Higher Secondary School and Bidhya Mahara of Purna Memorial Secondary School were provided with Rs 5,000 each for securing highest number among the Dalit students from the community schools. Nepali passed the exams in the first division with 76 per cent while Mahara secured 64 per cent.

Chairman of the Committee and Local Development Officer Madan Koirala said that a Dalit student securing the highest number in the SLC exams in district was a matter of pride and hoped that this incident would provide further encouragement to other students. RSS

by Unknown · 0

Sustainable forest management programme begins in Kavre

Banepa, July 6: Sustainable forest management programme has been started in three different VDCs in Kavre district.

The District Forest Office, Kavre, said that the forest management programme was started in Chaubas, Methinkot and Dhungkharka VDCs for studies and researches as well as for the better livelihood of the locals.

The District Forest Office and Forestry Action launched the programme by taking a nod from the users’ groups in coordination with the Kavre chapter of Federation of Community Forestry Users, Nepal. Four community forests of the three VDCs have been selected for the programme implementation.

The programme of sustainable forest management has been implemented in Dharapani Community Forest Users’ Group of Chaubas, Kalapani Community Forest Users’ Group of Dhungkharka and Saparupa Community Forests Users’ Group of Methinkot.

Sushil Kunwar, a member of Dharapani Community Forest Users’ Group, expressed happiness to the programme implementation saying that it was beneficial for users’ better livelihood.

Saying that she got a three-month-long training on forest management, Kunwar hoped to generate income from the forest management.

Ganesh Ray, Chief of the District Forest Office, Kavre, said that reproduction of plants along with forest management would be carried out and even the saplings would be planted if the plants were not grown.

The sallo trees (taxsus baccatta) planted by the Australian Forest Project in 2035 BS in the naked hills would be replaced and emphasis would be given for the conservation of the new species of plants.

The Forestry Action officials said that studies would be conducted on impacts of fresh move on bio-diversity and soil. RSS

by Unknown · 0

Floods disrupts Diktel-Battal road section

Khotang, July 6: The weeklong rainfall in the region has disrupted the Diktel-Battal road section in Khotang district, leaving hundreds of locals in trouble.  The torrential rainfall has caused landslips in different areas and ditches on the road of the mid hill highway, according to transport entrepreneur Raj Kumar Rai.  The locals are forced to walk on foot for two hours to reach their destinations after the traffic movement along the road came to a halt. The Diktel-Battal road is the only road to link the district to the southern plain. It is said that a large number of vehicles have stranded in Battal after the road disruption.  Rai said that traffic disruption along the road section would continue until the job of blacktop of Diktel-Halesi road section was completed. RSS

by Unknown · 0

Victims demand compensation as per Koshi Project Agreement

Saptari, July 6: The Koshi River Deluge Struggle Committee on Sunday staged a sit-in by halting the traffic movement in Saptakoshi Barrage for an hour demanding compensation for the losses from Koshi River as per the Agreement on the Koshi Project between Nepal and India, 1954.

Thousands of locals staged a demonstration under the leadership of Nepali Congress leader Ram Kumar Chaudhari and others, said the Struggle Committee.

Lawmaker of Saptari Constituency No.1 Manpur Chaudhari, Ashok Kumar Mandal of Saptari-2, Chairman of Struggle Committee Mahidev Chaudhari and others were also present in the agitation staged in the Koshi Barrage along the East-West Highway.

The victims said that they were not given compensation for the loss as promised by the government of India.

According to the Agreement on the Koshi Project between Nepal and India, the compensation should have been tendered by the government of India to the proprietors or the occupiers of the land for all damages.

Likewise, a ministerial-level agreement was held some three years ago in New Delhi of India to provide compensation to the affected ones after carrying out the assessments from the technical teams of both the countries.

Earlier, the Chairman of Struggle Committee Mahidev Chaudhary had submitted a memorandum to Prime Minister Sushil Koirala through the Chief District Officer of Saptari by urging to meet their demands. RSS

by Unknown · 0

Girl beaten to death by brother in Udayapur

Gaighat (Udayapur), July 6: A girl was beaten to death by her brother in Balamta VDC in Udayapur district Sunday night.

The deceased has been identified as Nigita Rai, 11, daughter of Sunil Rai. According to the District Police Office, Udayapur, Nigita died on the spot after her brother Rudal Rai, 17, thrashed her following a dispute.

Police Inspector Dilli Chauhan said that a police team has left for the incident site after coming to know about the incident at 3:00 am today.

The cause behind the dispute has not been ascertained yet. The incident site lies 128 kilometres away from the district headquarters, Gaighat. RSS

by Unknown · 0

National Tourism Promotion Committee forms executive body to execute recovery efforts

Kathmandu, July 6: The National Tourism Promotion Committee has constituted an executive committee to execute its works in a smooth and effective way.
In the first meeting of the Committee held on Sunday, it was decided to form the committee. As per the decision of the Council of Ministers on June 16, the Committee was formed under the chair of Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Kripasur Sherpa to carry out efforts for the rebuilding and promotion of the tourism sector in the aftermath of the recent powerful earthquake.
Noted tourism entrepreneur Yogendra Shakya is the coordinator of the executive committee while Lakpa Sonam Sherma is joint-coordinator.
Besides, the meeting agreed to take ownership of the Pokhara declaration-2072 BS issued by the Parliament Development Committee and a report published by the Pacific Asia Travel Association ( PATA) for rebuilding country's tourism and make initiatives for their enforcement soon.
The Committee is to install weather forecast equipments in base camps of major peaks of the country for the conveniences of tourists.
The meeting agreed to request international community to give priority to Nepal while choosing venues for international-level events like meetings, assemblies, conferences, exhibitions and fairs as this helps rebuild the country's tourism sector affected by the devastating earthquake.
As per the meeting decision, the government will be requested to exempt the provision of value added tax (VAT) on air fuel to relatively decrease aviation fee, which is expected to encourage tourists to visit Nepal. Besides, it has recommended the government to free tourism industries from the imposition of income tax for at least a year, to provide concessions on the interest of bank loans taken by the earthquake-hit tourism industries with extended deadline for loan recovery by a year. RSS

by Unknown · 0

Api Power Company starts producing power in short period

Api Power Company starts producing power in short period

Kathmandu, July 6: Api Power Company Limited has been successful to produce electricity within a short period from its hydropower project in Darchula district.
The company’s Naugad Gad hydropower project of company began producing 8,500 KW power within 18 months after the start of the construction works.
Company Director Mahendra Neupane said that the power produced by the company would be linked to the central transmission grid soon after completing all the construction works. The company has already signed Power Purchase Agreement with Nepal Electricity Authority and the power would be linked to substation at Balanche of the power house of Chameliya Hydropower Project.
The company has provided shares of Rs 100 million to people of project-affected VDCs--- Shikhar, Dhuligada, Rethala and Ranishikhar in the district. It has also got permission to construct a 8,000 KW-Upper Naugad Project at Dhuligada and Sipti VDCs.
Neupane said that construction works of the project would be forwarded once a PPA is signed with NEA. RSS

by Unknown · 0

NNJS,NAMS sign agreement on running MD Ophthalmology classes

Kathmandu July 6: Nepal Netra Jyoti Sangh (NNJS) and Nepal Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS) have signed an agreement on running classes for MD in Ophthalmology.The classes will be conducted in Nepal Eye Hospital and Tilganga Eye Centre, Kathmandu.

The signing-in ceremony was held in the premises of NNJS on Sunday. NAMS Professor Doctor Ganesh Bahadur Gurung was the chief guest in the ceremony. Professor Doctor Mr.Thirtha Prasad Mishra , chairperson of Nepal Netrajyoti Sangh presided over the ceremony. RSS

by Unknown · 0

Minister Pandit urges youth for nation-building

Kathmandu, July 6: Minister for General Administration Lal Babu Pandit has urged the youths to undertake the nation-building initiative.

Minister Pandit said so while addressing a closing ceremony of a week-long 'Proposal Writing' training programme organized by Bidhyarthi Sarokar Nepal.
The Minister, on the occasion, appealed to the youth participants to be active in the commercial sector.

Some 25 youths were benefited by the training.
Also, speaking in the programme, Chief Executive Officer of Budhanilakantha Municipality Birendradev Bharati believed that the training was successful in enabling the training's youth graduates to write proposal that could also secure the welfare of the society.

Bidhyarthi Sarokar Nepal Chairperson Yashu Lama said that the training was imparted to the youth with a faith that the youths could contribute to the social transformation and development through their capacity building. RSS

by Unknown · 0

Rain cancels Nepal's warm-up against Oman

Kathmandu, July 6: The warm-up match being played between Nepal and Oman under the ICC World Cup Twenty20 qualification round has been cancelled after rain stopped play.

The match underway at the Civil Service Cricket Club at Stormont, Ireland was stopped when Oman posted 115 runs at the loss of four wickets in 16.3 overs after downpour. Nepal was given a target of 126 runs under the Duckworth-Lewis method after match was reduced to 16 overs play.

Another heavy downpour forced the cancellation of the match when Nepal took to the field to chase the target of 126 runs. Nepal had made six runs with all wickets intact in 0.3 overs when teeming rain stopped the match. Nepal is set to play against UAE on Tuesday.

Nepal in the previous three matches played against Oman has won one and lost two. Nepal is playing warm-up matches for the ICC World Cup Twenty20 Qualifier scheduled to start on July 9. RSS

by Unknown · 0

33-party Front bills constitution's draft as status quo

Kathmandu, July 6: CPN-Maoist led 33-party Front on Monday slammed the preliminary draft of the new constitution labeling it as 'status quo' and 'pro-western'.

The Front's meeting held at CPN-Maoist Central Office at Budhanagar also took the decision to oppose and expose the parliamentary parties' bid at drawing people's feedback on the draft, a statement issued by CPN-Maoist Chairman Mohan Baidya said.

The Front will also form a monitoring committee to keep an eye on the irregularities, partiality and black marketing seen in relief distribution and rehabilitation effort and distribution on uneatable food products in the quake-stricken districts. RSS

by Unknown · 0

Meeting of Council of Ministers fixes retail price of widely used drugs

Kathmandu, July 6: The government has fixed the retail price of 96 different types of medicines to come into immediate effect.

A meeting of the Council of Ministers today, on the recommendation of the Ministry of Health and Population, determined the retail price of 18 different widely-used drugs and 78 other drugs used for protracted diseases like cancer. Every drug store has to display the price list.

This decision comes in the midst of complaints that the price of medicines was fixed arbitrarily in the sale and distribution of the medicines.

Minister for Information and Communications Dr Minendra Rijal, who is also the Government spokesperson, said the decision would be implemented forthwith and the Ministry of Health has been entrusted with this responsibility.

The meeting has, likewise, decided to retain the land property in the name of the late king Birendra, queen Aishwarya and members of their family at various places in Lalitpur, Sindhupalchok, Kaski and Kathmandu at the time of their death in the name of the Nepal Trust. The details of this would be made public later on.

Similarly, the bank accounts in the name of HM Treasury in the Standard Chartered Bank would also be transferred to the Nepal Trust.

The meeting of the Council of Ministers also provided approval for presenting the Bill on Public Procurement (First Amendment) Act, 2072 in the Legislature-Parliament.

The government has assigned Secretary at the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Suresh Man Shrestha the Chairman of the Nepal Airlines Corporation Board of Directors.

Minister Rijal said that the preliminary list of the poor households has been made public and 356,418 households fulfilling the standard and criteria have been identified out of the 1,240,350 households of the 25 districts. The list of a total 507,376 households including the 150,958 households would be finalised and made public later on.

A decision has also been taken to provide Rs 40,000 a month to the Supreme Court justices as the construction of the integrated residence for them has not been completed.

The Council of Ministers today appointed former Joint Secretary at the Ministry of Education Gyani Yadav to the vacant post of member of the Education Service Commission. RSS

by Unknown · 0

Sports Minister as patron of Olympic Museum

Kathmandu, July 6: Minister for Youth and Sports Purshottam Poudel has assumed patronage of Nepal Olympic Museum with it entry in to 21st years of establishment on Monday.

It is the only Olympic museum of the Asia which was established to keep immortalize the historical records of Nepali sports.
While assuming the post, Minister Poudel pledged to widen the scope of the museum in coming days.

Mecum Chairperson Kshhitiz Arun Shrestha expressed his confidence that the museum would witness reforms for Sports Minister taking its patronage.

On the occasion, the museum hd felicitated member-secretary of the National Sports Council Keshab Kumar Bista. RSS

by Unknown · 0

Decision of free visa and air ticket comes into effect

Kathmandu, July 6: The Ministry of Labour and Transport Management from today executed the decision to send workers to seven Gulf countries and Malaysia on free visa and air ticket.

The foreign employment agencies, which had been collecting the amount from the workers under these headings arbitrarily before this, had big objection to this decision.

The Ministry argues that this decision would stop the workers going on abroad jobs being fleeced by the employment agencies and also save billions of rupees from going abroad annually in the name of acquiring employment quotas.

In his comments regarding the enforcement of the decision that is in the interest of the general public, Minister of State for Labour and Employment Tek Bahadur Gurung said the Ministry has been successful in implementing the decision with the cooperation of all.

Stating there is law which stipulates that no fee is required for going on foreign employment, the Minister of State said initiation has been taken during his term in office to regulate the foreign employment sector.

Regarding the misconception that foreign employment quotas would be slashed with the enforcement of this decision, he said the decision of free visa and air ticket to workers going on foreign employment would be implemented in the case of other countries as well.

by Unknown · 0

Holding civic body polls within 29 Jan, 2016 unfeasible - EC Commissioner

Surunga (Jhapa), July 6: Election Commissioner Ayodhi Prasad Yadav has said that it would not be feasible to hold local body elections within 29 January 2016.

At a press conference organized at Birtamod this afternoon, he asserted holding civic polls would not be materialized despite any intensive preparation as there was no law allowing for the same.

"We are capable of holding local body election," he said, adding, "However, it is impossible to hold local body election at once like the Constituent Assembly elections no matter how capable we are".

He further said that it would also not be appropriate to hold local election in the hilly, mountainous and Terai regions at the same time. "The Commission would jumpstart its necessary preparation for the election once the law on local election formulated," Commissioner Yadav added.

Informing that the Commission has completed voters list recheck for the local election, he said number of total voters has reached 13 million. RSS

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Oman sets 126 runs target for Nepal

Kathmandu, July 6: Oman has set a target of 126 runs for Nepal in the ongoing warm-up match played under the qualification round of ICC World Cup T20.

Oman invited to bat first after losing the toss in the match played at the Civil Service Cricket Club at Stormont in Ireland set the target on basis of Duckworth-Lewis (D/L) rule.

Oman had posted 115 runs at the loss of four wickets when the rain stopped play in 16.3 overs. Nepal is playing warm-up matches for the ICC World Cup T20 Qualifier scheduled to start on July 9. RSS

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NC leader Khadka-led team submits protest letter to CA Chair

Kathmandu, July 6: Nepali Congress leader Khum Bahadur Khadka-led team has Monday submitted a protest letter to the Constituent Assembly (CA) chairman Subas Nembang.

The team members expressed their qualms over the wording- secularism - in the recently issued initial draft of a new constitution.

Soaked in rain, the members of Khadka-led team reached the meeting of the CA today, held in CA building in New Baneshwor in the capital city on foot. The team requested to the CA Chair to declare Nepal as a Hindu state.

The team members argued that the issue of secularism, which was not even raised during the second people's movement, was incorporated in the Interim Constitution.

They also expressed their dissatisfaction over the mention of secularism in the latest draft prepared by the Constitution Drafting Committee.

Leader Khadka, also a former Home Minister, has been spearheading 'Sanatan Hindu Rastra Mahaabhiyan' or the Grand Campaign for Restoration of Nepal as a Sanatan Hindu State, pressing for the establishment of the Nepal as a Hindu nation yet again.

Prior to leader Khadka, Former Speaker of the bParliament, Taranath Ranabhat, Laxman Ghimire among others leaders had demanded with the CA Chair for the same.

CA Chair Nembang, receiving the protest letter, thanked the Khadka-led team for it. "I thank you all for coming to the CA debate and submitting the note despite the rain," he remarked.RSS

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BFA and BBS result published

Kathmandu, July 6: The Tribhuvan University (TU), Office of the Controller of Examinations, today published the results of the Bachelor Level in Fine Arts (BFA), first Year examinations, held under the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.The exam was held in November, 2014.

Similarly, results of the first year examinations of the four-year Bachelors in Business Studies (BBS) has been published. The exam too was held last year. RSS

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